Very nice models. Brought them at 28mm for Old world, they rank up very nicely and the scale fits very well. A few small misprints in the ball socket joints but nothing that can't be fixed, and they're already trimmed of most of the mold supports, so it's a very quick process to get them ready for painting.
For painting itself they are very good, a nice amount of detail that isn't too much, and able to access the harder to reach areas. Have bought again, and may well do so in the future.
Just a long time for receiving them…but are very beautiful, great purchase
Nicely sculpted and cleanly printed. Recommended for a wide variety of armies and periods.
Excellent sculpts made with durable resin. Perfect for wargaming. My only issue is there is no option to equip the troops with shields, though for a number of the sculpts it would be a simple enough addition from a bits box.